Toyota Retailer Card Campaign Creation

UI, UX & Research


While working at Kinki Research Center, I collaborated with engineer on redesigning Toyota agent's web app, to enable personalized print mail creation.

My Role

I worked remotely, part-time for four months on my own and reported to boss/ engineer about the application and template redesign.

Web App Prototype


Upload Client Info

Begin editing, highlight indicating area for editing

Correct OCR-extracted longest digit


Frontside After

Frontside Before

Backside After

Backside Before

Information Architecture



Staff, Manager & Customer



    Staff Use Case

  1. Staff opens up the app, thinking after sending out the cards, some would visit soon.
  2. Open the app, select a template.
  3. Upload customer CSV sheet. Start editing.
  4. Begin with Staff Note. Type. Save.
  5. Move on to Sales Campaign. Use ready-made campaign designs. Move on to Recommended Car.
  6. Choose car-recommendation-related columns from CSV sheet.
    For customers that have interested car models, upload images accordingly.
    For those who do not, recommend base on current car type or omit the section.
  7. Move on to Toyota app launch info. Use existing design. Front-side finished.
  8. Move on to customer address section. Choose name-and-address-related columns from CSV. Input in card.
  9. Manually adjust extracted text object frames.
  10. Move on to point balance. Select point-related columns from CSV. Input in card.
  11. Manually adjust extracted text object frames.
  12. Move on to point exchange method explained section. Define point gift image base on royalty levels.
  13. Move on to contact section. Use stored data of staff name and store address.
  14. Move on to HQ address section. Default info is fine. Design finished.
  15. Print sample using the printer in the office. Look good.
  16. Generate 100 mails. Check on screen? Send data to print shop.

Figma File
