OYO Ryokan-Booking

UI, UX & Research


OYO offers budget hotel booking service on mobile and the web. Due to Japanese Ryokan's way of charging for room and dining, the Japan branch is under expansion to better serve the community. I was asked to create a mobile number sign-up flow for the job interview.

My Process

  1. Competitor research: Rakuten Hotel and Chinese apps such as CTrip, where mobile sign-ups has became standardized
  2. Find UI inspiration on Google and Pinterest
  3. Write use case
  4. Create wireframes
  5. Find icons to add to the prototype
  6. Iterate: I changed "Send Code" button to "Verify" for simplicity
  7. Create interactive prototype and make adjustments


    Use Case

  1. Open the app
  2. Read loading screen
  3. Start Sign-up
  4. Input mobile number
  5. Request passcode
  6. Receive passcode message
  7. Input passcode
  8. Agree privacy policy
  9. Finish sign-up


Figma File


The mobile flow is easy to use and will help avoid drop out during registration.